Sunday, February 26, 2012

Life Turns a Corner

"Out of the blue" on Saturday morning (the 11th) the thought came to me that I should quit my full-time job so I could care for both my aging mother and George, who we can see will be an invalid for some unknown length of time while he recovers from his PE (pulmonary embolisms). By the end of that day, George, Mother, and I had agreed on the change. Talk about a sudden change of course! Life turned a corner, and it didn't even warn me with a turn signal.

Mother will be 92 in April. We have a trip to Georgia planned for her birthday, to visit Alice's family. Mother has lived in her own apartment for over 2 years in a senior retirement community. She has helpers who come in, morning and evening, to help her dress, bathe, do laundry, etc. Lately it's become evident that she needs someone available all the time, but she simply will not consider going to an assisted living home.

With George disabled, I am overloaded -- I can't manage an outside job and take care of my family and home too. I have resigned from CBS as of the end of March, which is the print deadline for the 23 courses we're publishing this year. The publishing team is working hard to make the deadline, so I'll stay and finish up that big project. Though I really love my job, I am at peace about quitting -- this is the right thing to do.

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